Ryan: Dim the lights and here we go.. After the record-breaking 132 millon votes.. The winner.. of American Idol.. Season 11.. issss........ PHILIP PHILIPS
Well.. as i expected! WGWG fever hahaha No doubt that Philip was damn talented. I just can't barely believe on what Steven Tyler said that this white guy won through a big margin of votes. huh? I were talking of votes, i really don't think Philip can make the votes of Jessica "even".
First two rounds favors Jessica according to judges. Unfortunately, third round goes to Philip. It was frustrating that Jessica Sanchez was criticized for her coronation song and the song chosen by Simon Fuller. If Randy didn't like the songs, then he should have criticized those who chose the songs. Her coronation song was totally boring, another sleepy ballad and it was unfair to her that she was not given a song that she could really rock on. I have truly lost faith in the musicianship of these judges who continued to sing the praises of Phillip who had to constantly straighten out the melody of songs not because of artistic choice but because he could not hit the notes.
Anyways, It was already announced that Philip won.
Phillip Phillips performs his coronation song, "Home," after winning Season 11 of American Idol.