Tuesday, June 26, 2012

USANA @ 20: The Essentials

So it’s no wonder that Dr. Wentz has been studying cells for nearly half a century. Through his research, he realized that when we provide cells with the right nutrients, they, in turn, support good health. And this basic building block of knowledge led Dr. Wentz to develop our flagship product: the USANA® Essentials™.

But just because the Essentials was originally created 20 years ago doesn’t mean USANA has stuck with the same formula — which was revolutionary back in 1992. The Essentials now features Olivol® — Olive Fruit Extract, and USANA’s scientists continue to update the formula as new science is uncovered about nutritional supplements.

One of the great features about the Essentials is that it features two separate vitamin and mineral supplements: Mega Antioxidant and Chelated Mineral. You get a top-rated daily vitamin and antioxidant supplement and a mineral supplement all in one pack. Now that’s an amazing duo!

(Please click the link to continue reading)
USANA @ 20: The Essentials

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