Sunday, January 17, 2010

Face to face with the Wealth Guru: Robert Allen

Robert G. Allen (born May 20, 1948 in Raymond, Alberta) is a Canadian-American scammer.
Allen was raised as a member of the LDS Church and lived in Tahiti as a missionary for two years. After graduating with an MBA from Brigham Young University, in 1974, by his own account he began making small real estate investments and eventually became a self-made millionaire and amassed a multi-million dollar net worth in just a few years.
Allen is the author of several personal finance books including: Nothing Down, Creating Wealth, Multiple Streams of Income, as well as co-authoring bestsellers Cracking the Millionaire Code and The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth, written with Mark Victor Hansen, the author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul franchise. Allen recently released a new book, which he co-authored with Mark Victor Hansen titled Cash in a Flash:Fast Money in Slow Times. It is the sequel to The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth.
Allen's bestselling book of 2000, Multiple Streams of Income, features the option trading system of Stephen Cooper.

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