Monday, August 3, 2009

Jam-packed The Feast!!!

Yesterday, I was so lucky and feel blessed for having a chance to be able to take a picture with Bro. Bo Sanchez. This guy that i admired most for his books and talks that gives his followers (including me) an inspirational insight about spiritual and financial aspects of life!

It was so amazing how this guy influenced many lives especially of those people in "the Feast". Every week, there's always numbers of new "outsiders" coming at The Feast at Valle Verde Country Club at Pasig City.

And I think that yesterday was the most jam-packed sunday because the at the end of the session, when Bro. Bo called all the first timer to come in the front of the stage for them to be personally greeted by him (as what he was always doing), I was surprised that the space of the front stage was not enough to the number of the first timers!!! Whooa!!!

I will never be surprised if one Sunday, the Feast will be celebrated in a bigger venue!!! I believe in God's grace that it will happen!

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